Useful commands for Windows administrators. Managing a Windows 2000 Active Directory with about 100 servers, over 1500 computers and 35 sites, the following commands. Had the same type of problem. After system recovery on a HP computer,it wouldnt take the 92 critical updates after 1 critical update and Windows Genuine validation. Knowledge Base BASIS International Ltd. BASIS uses a Google custom search engine CSE to easily locate a variety of BASIS resources including the Knowledge Base. Simply enter the subject in the site search box at the top right of this page and then narrow the results as you wish. For future reference, keep this shortlink handy links. BASIS site anytime anywhere. BASIS Knowledge Base Index. All 0. 11. 30 Why did my license expire and other common questions regarding licenses. BASIS auto registration process cannot connect to BASIS to get a new license. Facetterm issue with ttys on Fedora Core 5. FLEXlm 1. 14 Unable to check out license after upgrading. On Windows XP, how can I set lease time using registry or other trick, so network interface will work after that with the current DHCP lease, but after restart it. The DNS you use. In my opinion, the fastest and easiest way to determined what DNS server youre using is to use the Windows Command Prompt. In Start, All. How to add new users to an existing BBx license. How to find out your BASIS product Serial Number. Dhcp Node Type Windows Xp' title='Dhcp Node Type Windows Xp' />How to obtain product licenses from two separate BASIS License Managers. How to request a Demo License. Must be in Install Mode error message. What BASIS products and operating systems cannot use the new composite hostid KB Managing Notifications About Bug and Enhancement Changes. Activation Adobe Acrobat Pro Dc Crack. KB Unresponsive Thin Client. KB How Check BASIS Eclipse Plug in Versions. KB BASIS Example Certificate Authority. KB Query Analysis Prevents BBj. Services Starting. KB Collapsing Licenses Multihomed Windows System. KB Restrict Java Web Start Clients to Specific JVM Versions. KB Web Start Application Blocked Solutions KB Open. SSL and BASIS Products KB Configuring Web Start During a BBj Installation. KB New Oracle Signed JNLP Property Requirements. KB Re signing BBjs Web Start Jar for Branding. KB Certificate Options for Web Start. KB Coordinating Application Development and Testing BBj Release Cycle. KB Voting in Bugzilla. KB Excessive BBj Logging on Last Day of the Year December 3. KB Jar Registration and Licensing. KB Auto Licensing Failed to Return a New License. KB What It Means That Java 8 Drops Support for ODBC Connections From Java and thus BBjKB BASIS License Manager BLM 1. Installation Instructions. KB SCALL examples for VPRO5 and BBj. KB BLM Log message EXITING DUE TO SIGNAL 3. KB Using Modified Third Party Jars in BBj. KB Effective Problem Reports and Feature Requests. KB Creating Bugzilla Reports. BASIC Web Utility 0. BASIC Web Utility returns an incomplete set of HTTP headers. BASIC Web utility Duplicate Name in String Template generating an error 1. US/XP_mac_2k.gif' alt='Dhcp Node Type Windows Xp' title='Dhcp Node Type Windows Xp' />Program to help see what the BASIC Web Utility Environment looks like. Troubleshooting Tips for the BASIC Web Utility BWUBASIS BBj ODBC Driver 0. BBj and BBj ODBC Driver gets Required connection information missing. Unable to connect0. How to handle My. SQL with 0. 00. 0 0. MS Access Error message The decimal fields precision is too small to accept the numeric you attempted to add. Tips for BBj and using Source. Forge j. TDS JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server and other third party JDBC Databases. Unale to Get Table list BAD HEADER0. Y2. K Window value does not stay set. BASIS ODBC Driver 0. ISAM Error running ODBC0. Date Column Suffix of ODBC Administrator Data Source Setup is Case Sensitive. Execute error Invalid String Size error when using the ODBC Driver. IO error during save error when creating a Data Source via Microsoft Query. No Such Table in Catalog error with the ODBC Driver. Basis ODBC Error Sql Syntx error 1. An SQL query in MS Access results in Name in every field. Can the ODBC driver lock a record Cannot configure the BBj ODBC driver after install. Debug Assertion Error after Installing ODBC Driver Rev 2. Error 7. 74. 7 in MS Access. Error message with CTL3. D3. 2. DLL when installing the ODBC Driver on Windows NT 4. How to create a Data Source correctly with ODBC Administrator 3. How to display JULIAN dates in other formats via the ODBC Driver. How to ensure that queries via the 1. ODBC Driver are optimized for speed. How to set ODBC Driver logging levels without using the ODBC Administrator. How to speed up queries in Access via the BASIS ODBC Driver. Information on the ODBC code translator option. Installation problems with the ODBC driver. Invalid Operand error message with ODBC Driver. Joins and linking tables via the 1. ODBC Driver. 00. 50. List of reserved words for the 1. ODBC Driver and 1. ODBC Driver. 00. 29. Log file types used for ODBC driver diagnostics. Microsoft Office 9. ODBC 1. 1. 00. 79. ODBC Driver doesnt uninstall completely when uninstalled. Program samples demonstrating ODBC access from Visual Basic 4, 5 and 6. Read. me file for 3. ODBC Driver, rev 1. Read. me for 1. 6 bit ODBC Driver, rev 1. Read. me REV 2. 0 ODBC Driver. Reserved error 7. Access when connecting to a ODBC data source. SQL Date Syntax example for ODBC Driver and SQL Engine. Step by step instructions for creating a ODBC data source under Windows. What the BASIS ODBC Driver 2. Visual PRO5 2. 0. When viewing BASIS data from Access, NAME appears in the field headings and the data is not displayed. Which revision of the BASIS ODBC Driver recognizes the new mkeyed filetypes ODBC fserr1, fserrs 1. Cannot access dictionary files. Fserr1. 3 Unable to Open File, using the 3. Bit ODBC Driver and NFS Mount. Fserr1. 7 when connecting to a second datasource via the ODBC Driver and Data Server. ODBC Driver returns an fserr1. SQL query. 00. 52. Error 7. 7 or FSERR5, FSERRS 2. SQL SELECT with an ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause. ODBC Driver. 00. 55. StateS1. 00. 0Error7. BASIS BASIS ODBC Driver Execute file sytem error fserr5 fserrs 2. ODBC License Files and FLEXlm error 5 Feature not Supported. ODBC Driver. 00. 56. Basis Odbc DriverSQL Syntax Err 17. MS Access Cant Open Table in Data. Sheet view. 00. 47. BusyTimeout error with the ODBC Driver. BBj 0. 10. 19 ERROR2. Error Symbol recycling detected fix your scanner. Barista License Informaiton. BASIS Product Suite Installation Fails with Wizard cannot continue error when installing on Fedora Linux. BASIS Product Suite Throws ISDatabase is unavailable Exception at Beginning of Install. BBj admin wizard Cannot Select the Basis License Manager Unix. BBj Fails to Initialize on Fedora with SELinux Security Enhanced Linux Enabled. BBj hangs when starting and attempts to break out of the process cause a core dump. BBj IDE under Unix not showing BBj specific file associations. BBj Install sh There is not enough space in the file system. BBj install fails immediately under Windows 0. BBj revision 5 Install FAQ0. BBj seems to be taking two licenses per system. BBj FLEXLM License error 4 Maximum number of users reached. BBjservices will not install or not start on systems with low RAM such as 1. MBs. 01. 07. 8 Changing default location for tmp directory for BBj. Combination License FAQs. Command to check whether the BBj Services are running. Command to determine if JVM is a 3. JVM 0. 11. 28 Configuring the IDE to use a specific complier per project. Configuring the Client side JVM memory. Configurung the BBj IDE to use an older 1. JVM0. 11. 02 Connecting to Oracle database from BBj. Current BBj default ports for the various BBj servers. CutCopyPaste in BBj under Linux OS0. Differences between BBj Standard Edition SE and BBj Enterprise Edition EE0. Drag and Drop Not Allowed Between Two Different Applications in Vista. Enabling java classes to be used as Client Objects in BBj. Encryption issue with Solaris and BBJ0. Enterprise Manager Unable to Connect to BBj. Services on Port 2. Equation evaluations are more strictly enforced with BBj than BBx or P5. ERROR6. 9 returned when BBj PRO5 Data Server accessed incorrectly.