Manage Windows Hello in your organization Windows 1. Applies to. Windows 1. Windows 1. 0 Mobile. You can create a Group Policy or mobile device management MDM policy that will implement Windows Hello on devices running Windows 1. Important. The Group Policy setting Turn on PIN sign in does not apply to Windows Hello for Business. It still prevents or enables the creation of a convenience PIN for Windows 1. Beginning in version 1. Windows Hello as a convenience PIN is disabled by default on all domain joined computers. To enable a convenience PIN for Windows 1. Group Policy setting Turn on convenience PIN sign in. Use PIN Complexity policy settings to manage PINs for Windows Hello for Business. Group Policy settings for Windows Hello for Business. The following table lists the Group Policy settings that you can configure for Windows Hello use in your workplace. These policy settings are available in both User configuration and Computer Configuration under Policies Administrative Templates Windows Components Windows Hello for Business. Policy. Options. Use Windows Hello for Business. Not configured Users can provision Windows Hello for Business, which encrypts their domain password. Enabled Device provisions Windows Hello for Business using keys or certificates for all users. Disabled Device does not provision Windows Hello for Business for any user. Use a hardware security device. Not configured Windows Hello for Business will be provisioned using TPM if available, and will be provisioned using software if TPM is not available. Enabled Windows Hello for Business will only be provisioned using TPM. Disabled Windows Hello for Business will be provisioned using TPM if available, and will be provisioned using software if TPM is not available. Use biometrics. Not configured Biometrics can be used as a gesture in place of a PIN. Learn how to reset your Microsoft Live account password for Windows 10. If you forget your Microsoft Live account password and cannot log into Windows 10. Pinning Programs to the Taskbar with Group Policy A Custom Windows 8 Start Screen with Group Policy and MDT Pin Programs to the Taskbar in Windows 10 with Group Policy. This guide provides a detailed description of the most important security features in the Windows 10 Mobile operating systemidentity access and control, data. In this post we will describe how to customize your windows 10 image to personalize it to your company. Theres an infinite amount of customization that can be made. Cant set a pin log in for newly installed 8. Get error cant do this at this time. Strange new error messages I come back every day for 4 days. Enabled Biometrics can be used as a gesture in place of a PIN. Disabled Only a PIN can be used as a gesture. PIN Complexity. Require digits. Not configured Users must include a digit in their PIN. Enabled Users must include a digit in their PIN. Disabled Users cannot use digits in their PIN. Require lowercase letters. You can create a Group Policy or mobile device management MDM policy that will implement Windows Hello for Business on devices running Windows 10. Not configured Users cannot use lowercase letters in their PIN. Enabled Users must include at least one lowercase letter in their PIN. Disabled Users cannot use lowercase letters in their PIN. I am trying to get Bitlocker working on the C drive of a Dell Venue 11 5130 32bit, running Windows 8. Update Enterprise. I click Turn on BitLocker and. We are having trouble adding our batch scripts to the Windows 7, 8 or 10 taskbar or start menu. Our batchfiles take some arguments and just execute other application. Russell Smith explains how Credential Guard in Windows 10 Enterprise can be used to protect domain user account passwords. When I right click on certain shortcut and click Pin to Start Menu, it does not appear on my start menu. When I right click them again it still says Pin to. Cannot Log In With Pin On Windows 10' title='Cannot Log In With Pin On Windows 10' />Maximum PIN length. Not configured PIN length must be less than or equal to 1. Enabled PIN length must be less than or equal to the number you specify. Disabled PIN length must be less than or equal to 1. Minimum PIN length. Not configured PIN length must be greater than or equal to 4. Enabled PIN length must be greater than or equal to the number you specify. Disabled PIN length must be greater than or equal to 4. Expiration. Not configured PIN does not expire. Enabled PIN can be set to expire after any number of days between 1 and 7. PIN can be set to never expire by setting policy to 0. Disabled PIN does not expire. History. Not configured Previous PINs are not stored. Enabled Specify the number of previous PINs that can be associated to a user account that cant be reused. Disabled Previous PINs are not stored. Note Current PIN is included in PIN history. Require special characters. Not configured Users cannot include a special character in their PIN. Enabled Users must include at least one special character in their PIN. Disabled Users cannot include a special character in their PIN. Require uppercase letters. Not configured Users cannot include an uppercase letter in their PIN. Enabled Users must include at least one uppercase letter in their PIN. Disabled Users cannot include an uppercase letter in their PIN. Phone Sign in. Use Phone Sign in. Not currently supported. MDM policy settings for Windows Hello for Business. The following table lists the MDM policy settings that you can configure for Windows Hello for Business use in your workplace. These MDM policy settings use the Passport. For. Work configuration service provider CSP. Important. Starting in Windows 1. PIN associated with Windows Hello for Business. This means that any PIN on a device will be subject to the policies specified in the Passport. For. Work CSP. The values specified take precedence over any complexity rules set via Exchange Active. Sync EAS or the Device. Lock CSP. Policy. Scope. Default. Options. Use. Passport. For. Work. Device. True. True Windows Hello for Business will be provisioned for all users on the device. False Users will not be able to provision Windows Hello for Business. Note If Windows Hello for Business is enabled, and then the policy is changed to False, users who previously set up Windows Hello for Business can continue to use it, but will not be able to set up Windows Hello for Business on other devices. Require. Security. Device. Device. False. True Windows Hello for Business will only be provisioned using TPM. False Windows Hello for Business will be provisioned using TPM if available, and will be provisioned using software if TPM is not available. Biometrics. Use. Biometrics. Device False. True Biometrics can be used as a gesture in place of a PIN for domain sign in. False Only a PIN can be used as a gesture for domain sign in. Facial. Features. User. Enhanced. Anti. Spoofing. Device. Not configured. Not configured users can choose whether to turn on enhanced anti spoofing. True Enhanced anti spoofing is required on devices which support it. False Users cannot turn on enhanced anti spoofing. PINComplexity. Digits Device or user. Numbers are not allowed. At least one number is required. Lowercase letters Device or user. Lowercase letters are not allowed. At least one lowercase letter is required. Maximum PIN length Device or user. Maximum length that can be set is 1. Maximum length cannot be less than minimum setting. Minimum PIN length. Device or user. 4Minimum length that can be set is 4. Minimum length cannot be greater than maximum setting. Expiration Device or user. Integer value specifies the period of time in days that a PIN can be used before the system requires the user to change it. The largest number you can configure for this policy setting is 7. The lowest number you can configure for this policy setting is 0. If this policy is set to 0, then the users PIN will never expire. History. Device or user. Integer value that specifies the number of past PINs that can be associated to a user account that cant be reused. The largest number you can configure for this policy setting is 5. The lowest number you can configure for this policy setting is 0. If this policy is set to 0, then storage of previous PINs is not required. Special characters. Device or user. 11 Special characters are not allowed. At least one special character is required. Uppercase letters. Device or user. 11 Uppercase letters are not allowed 2 At least one uppercase letter is required. Remote. Use. Remote. Passport. Device or user. False. Not currently supported. Note. If policy is not configured to explicitly require letters or special characters, users will be restricted to creating a numeric PIN. How to use Windows Hello for Business with Azure Active Directory. There are three scenarios for using Windows Hello for Business in Azure ADonly organizations Organizations that use the version of Azure AD included with Office 3. For these organizations, no additional work is necessary. When Windows 1. 0 was released to general availability, Microsoft changed the behavior of the Office 3. Fix Windows 1. 0 In Place Upgrade Task Sequence infinity restart loop. We successfully did Windows 1. In Place Upgrade for hundreds machines, but few of them went into infinity restart loop at the end. Troubleshoot wasnt easy, especially do it remotely. Yeah, you are right, how to troubleshoot and fix a computer that reboot itself and also has bitlocker and bitlocker PIN Sounds mission impossible, but WE DID IT Make a Dart 1. ISO file, upload it to somewhere. Lets hope you have the bitlocker key for this problem machine, because you need it to do the following steps. Advise user or other IT support do the following steps 1 Download the Dart 1. ISO file. 2 Make a Dart 1. Shut down the problem machine and boot it up from usb stick. Open remote connection tool, give you the ip address, ticket number, and port number. Open up Dart remote connection tool from your machine, use the information you got ip address, ticket number, and port number connect to the problem machine. Run regedit in the problem machine, change HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetupStep. Type to 0 and change HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetup Cmd. Line to empty. Restart the problem machine. Problem solved. So, what cause the infinity restart loop Reason is HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetup Step. Type was set to 2, and HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetup Cmd. Line was set to run C WindowsSMSTSPost. UpgradeSetup. Complete. C WindowsSMSTSPost. Upgrade folder was removed. Machine was trying to run Setup. Complete. cmd that doesnt exited anymore, so it went into a restart loop. Lets take a look in smsts. Upgrade Operating System, it use WINDIRCCMSetup. Complete. Template. WINDIRSMSTSPost. Upgradesetupcomplete. C Windows. BTSourcesScriptssetupcomplete. After OSDUpgrade. Windows is done, it goes to WINDIRSetupScriptssetupcomplete. Here is the original script, and as you can see, the script create HKLMSystemSetup Cmd. Line registry to run WINDIRSMSTSPost. Upgradesetupcomplete. I dont know what really happened to those few machines that end up infinity restart loop, seems they finished all the TS steps, then rebooted for some reason without returning error code to the setupcomplete. TS is finished and cleaned up the C WindowsSMSTSPost. Upgrade folder, without checking if restart registry is reset. REM SCCMClient. Path should be set before we get here. REM This script is written by Config. Mgr Task Sequence Upgrade Operating System action. REM Setup. Complete. Upgrade Complete, calling TSMBootstrap to resume task sequence. DATE TIME Entering setupcomplete. WINDIRsetupcomplete. DATE TIME Setting env var SMSTSSetup. RollbackFALSE WINDIRsetupcomplete. SMSTSSetup. RollbackFALSE. DATE TIME Setting registry to resume task sequence after reboot WINDIRsetupcomplete. HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetup v Setup. Type t REGDWORD d 2 f. HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetup v Cmd. Line t REGSZ d WINDIRSMSTSPost. Upgradesetupcomplete. DATE TIME Running SCCMClient. PathTSMBootstrap. WINDIRsetupcomplete. SCCMClient. PathTSMBootstrap. Gina configpath SMSTSMData. Path bootcount 2 reloadenv. IF ERRORLEVEL EQU 2. DATE TIME ERRORLEVEL ERRORLEVEL WINDIRsetupcomplete. DATE TIME TSMBootstrap requested reboot WINDIRsetupcomplete. DATE TIME Rebooting now WINDIRsetupcomplete. HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetup v Setup. Shutdown. Required t REGDWORD d 1 f. DATE TIME ERRORLEVEL ERRORLEVEL WINDIRsetupcomplete. DATE TIME TSMBootstrap did not request reboot, resetting registry WINDIRsetupcomplete. HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetup v Setup. Type t REGDWORD d 0 f. HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetup v Cmd. Line t REGSZ d f. DATE TIME Exiting setupcomplete. WINDIRsetupcomplete. SCCMClient. Path1. ECHO OFFREM SCCMClient. Path should be set before we get here. REM Thisscript iswritten by Config. Mgr Task Sequence Upgrade Operating System action REM Setup. Complete. cmd Upgrade Complete,calling TSMBootstrap toresume task sequence echoDATE TIMEEntering setupcomplete. WINDIRsetupcomplete. DATE TIMESetting env varSMSTSSetup. RollbackFALSE WINDIRsetupcomplete. SMSTSSetup. RollbackFALSEechoDATE TIMESetting registry toresume task sequence after reboot WINDIRsetupcomplete. HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetupv. Setup. Typet. REGDWORDd. HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetupv. Cmd. Linet. REGSZdWINDIRSMSTSPost. Upgradesetupcomplete. DATE TIMERunningSCCMClient. PathTSMBootstrap. WINDIRsetupcomplete. SCCMClient. PathTSMBootstrap. Ginaconfigpath SMSTSMData. Pathbootcount 2reloadenv. IFERRORLEVELEQU 2. DATE TIMEERRORLEVELERRORLEVEL WINDIRsetupcomplete. DATE TIMETSMBootstrap requested reboot WINDIRsetupcomplete. DATE TIMERebooting now WINDIRsetupcomplete. HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetupv. Setup. Shutdown. Requiredt. REGDWORDd. 1felseechoDATE TIMEERRORLEVELERRORLEVEL WINDIRsetupcomplete. DATE TIMETSMBootstrap did notrequest reboot,resetting registry WINDIRsetupcomplete. HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetupv. Setup. Typet. REGDWORDd. HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetupv. Cmd. Linet. REGSZdfechoDATE TIMEExiting setupcomplete. WINDIRsetupcomplete. SCCMClient. PathSo how can prevent this happen again I dont have fully supported and 1. I have been testing in this whole weekend, I added a last step to run a cmd file, inside cmd file I put shutdown. I can put my test machine to infinity restart loop situation, you should never do that in production. Then I modified WINDIRCCMSetup. Complete. Template. I changed this line. HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetup v Cmd. Line t REGSZ d WINDIRSMSTSPost. Can You Hack A New Psp Roms. Upgradesetupcomplete. HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetupv. Cmd. Linet. REGSZdWINDIRSMSTSPost. Upgradesetupcomplete. HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetup v Cmd. Line t REGSZ d WINDIRSetupScriptssetupcomplete. HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMSetupv. Cmd. Linet. REGSZdWINDIRSetupScriptssetupcomplete. Then run the same TS again, I see machine is using C WindowsSetupScriptssetupcomplete. Post Installation steps, and it didnt make the infinity restart loop. Because I cannot be 1. Post Installation steps, will all the steps runs correctly in every single machines that we deployed, or will machine restarted unexpectedly during installation, I think it is better use WINDIRSetupScriptssetupcomplete. WINDIRSMSTSPost. Upgradesetupcomplete. And I added last step in my TS to reset these registries. Just keep me wonder, why Config. Mgr clean up WINDIRSMSTSPost. Upgrade folder before it checks if HKLMSystemSetup Setup. Type and HKLMSystemSetupCmd. Line is reset More information https docs. Warning You cannot reboot the system and resume running Setup. Complete. cmd. You should not reboot the system by adding a command such as shutdown r. This will put the system in a bad state.