Factory. Registered. Fonts collection holds them. This can be useful if you want to find the exact name of each font. Font. Factory. Register. DirectoryC WINDOWSFonts String. Builder sb new. String. Builder foreach string fontname in. Font. Factory. Registered. Fonts sb. Appendfontname n doc. Addnew. ParagraphAll Fonts n sb. To. String Heres a variety of ways to use the Get. Font method Font arial Font. Factory. Get. FontArial, 2. Play Free Match 3 Games Online No Downloads more. Color. GRAY Font verdana Font. Factory. Get. FontVerdana, 1. Font. BOLDITALIC, new. Color1. 25, 8. 8, 1. Font palatino Font. Factory. Get. Font palatino linotype italique, Base. Font. CP1. 25. 2, Base. Font. EMBEDDED, 1. Font. ITALIC, Color. GREEN Font smallfont Font. Factory. Get. FontArial, 7 Font x Font. Factory. Get. Fontnina fett x. Size 1. 0 x. Set. StyleItalic x. Set. Color1. 00, 5. As you can see, some of them use the i. Text. Sharp Color object to set the colour using a constant, while others use the Set. Color method and pass in RGB values or create a new Color object passing in RGB values. Generally, they use a constant value for the font style, but you can pass in an int representing one of the values, or use the Set. Style method passing in a string. There are also varying numbers of parameters passed, which ilustrates some of the different overloads available. Intellisense, Code Complete and the Object Browser will reveal the full panoply of options. Registering Fonts. You may have a situation where you cannot install a font you want to use in the default font directory on the web server, so you have to register it explicitly with i. Text. Sharp. string fontpath Server. Map. Path. Base. Font customfont Base. Font. Create. Fontfontpath myspecial. Base. Font. CP1. 25. Base. Font. EMBEDDED Font font new. Fontcustomfont, 1. My expensive custom font. Addnew. Paragraphs, font You may notice that the above example is embedded in the PDF file Base. Font. EMBEDDED, as your expensive font is unlikely to exist on users operating systems. Documentation Center Dev. Express. Dev. Express engineers feature complete Presentation Controls, IDE Productivity Tools, Business Application Frameworks, and Reporting Systems for Visual Studio, along with high performance HTML JS Mobile Frameworks for developers targeting i. OS, Android and Windows Phone. Whether using WPF, ASP. NET, Win. Forms, HTML5 or Windows 1. Dev. Express tools help you build and deliver your best in the shortest time possible.