TfsDAV folder filling up C drive. After having spent some time using WEBDAV on one of my Windows 7 computers, I have discovered that my system drive C was filling up quite quickly. After deep investigation I have discovered that any file downloaded or uploaded fromto a network drive mapped with WEBDAV gets copied to a cache on the local system. The location for this local cache is always c WindowsService. ProfilesLocal. ServiceApp. DataLocalTempTfs. StoreTfsDAV in Windows 7. Unfortunately I wasnt able to find the meaning of that tfs acronym in this context, nor I have succeeded in disabling this behavior. What I have understood so far is that Files from this folder never get deleted unless you do it manually You cant disable it You cant change its location unless you create a symbolic linkThere is no registry key specifying its behavior. You can delete this TfsDAV folder. If you delete TfsDAV you will be able to browse WEBDAV drives. If you delete TfsDAV you will be able to right click on a field and get its properties. If you delete TfsDAV you wont be able to open any file, not even text documents. Technically speaking, when you delete that TfsDAV folder, the svchost. C Windowssystem. Web. Client. Group will try to get to C WindowsSERVIC2LOCALS1App. DataLocalTempTfs. StoreTfsDAV with an IRPMJCREATE operation and gets PATH NOT FOUND as result. A solution to this problem of the system drive getting filled up with cached copies of network files is to move the TfsDAV folder to a different drive. Heres my batch script to do it e. WindowsService. ProfilesLocal. ServiceApp. DataLocalTempTfs. Store. del TfsDAV f q. TfsDAV e TfsDAV. If the delete command fails, just delete TfsDAV from Windows Explorer then rerun this script. If the procedure succeeds, you will get an output like this symbolic link created for TfsDAV lt lt e TfsDAV. How To Install Fog Lights On A Nissan Frontier there. This is the best I could do for the moment. I will keep investigating the internals of WEBDAV such as the functioning of the redirectors mrxdav. MUP and will keep this post up to date as soon as I find a better workaround than moving TfsDAV to another drive. DgwYPZ030/UxAAcuv02zI/AAAAAAAADbE/AC5F_pjKbMI/s1600/donotjointodomain.PNG' alt='Manually Uninstall Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent License' title='Manually Uninstall Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent License' />If you feel like contributing to this post do not hesitate to share your knowledge or experienceSmartPCFixer is a fully featured and easytouse system optimization suite. With it, you can clean windows registry, remove cache files, fix errors, defrag disk. Using Time Capsule for Windows Backups There is no Apple Time Machine Windows backup software, however you can use any Windows based backup software such as.