You can then go into Buy mode and delete the baby doll. If youre having trouble finding it, the trash can is in front of your Sims house. If your Sim doesnt appear, try clicking the other Sim, spawn Tombstone of Life Death, click on it, and choose Get Family Member. Your Sim will appear again. DownloadsLocation.jpg' alt='Sims 2 How To Install Sims 2 Pack' title='Sims 2 How To Install Sims 2 Pack' />Repeat Steps 3, 4, and 5 with the second Sim. When youre done, these teen Sims will be able to Woo. Hoo, try for a baby, and get married. Press Ctrl ShiftC and enter bool. Prop testing. Cheats. Enabled false to disable the cheats. The cheat could do funky things to your game if left on for too long.