SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise Document Version 4. Support Package 6 20130731 SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise Installation Guide. Eclipse Java IDE. This tutorial describes the usage of Eclipse as a Java IDE. It describes the installation of Eclipse, the creation of Java programs and tips for. Well, this one took ages. And whenever something takes me ages, rather than write it down in my personal notes, I prefer to put it out online for everyone with. Installation software with many powerful functions. With the Visual Installer setup tool you can create a setup program setup wizard for your Windows software for. Shield and NSIS. Before the introduction of Windows Store, Microsoft encouraged third parties to use Windows Installer as the basis for installation frameworks, so that they synchronize correctly with other installers and keep the internal database of installed products consistent. Important features such as rollback and versioning depend on a consistent internal database for reliable operation. Furthermore, Windows Installer facilitates the principle of least privilege by performing software installations by proxy for unprivileged users. Logical structure of packageseditA package describes the installation of one or more full products and is universally identified by a GUID. A product is made up of components, grouped into features. Windows Installer does not handle dependencies between products. ProductseditA single, installed, working program or set of programs is a product. A product is identified by a unique GUID the Product. Code property providing an authoritative identity throughout the world. The GUID, in combination with the version number Product. Version property, allows for release management of the products files and registry keys. A package includes the package logic and other metadata that relates to how the package executes when running. For example, changing an EXE file in the product may require the Product. Code or Product. Version to be changed for the release management. However, merely changing or adding a launch condition with the product remaining exactly the same as the previous version would still require the Package. Code to change for release management of the MSI file itself. FeatureseditA feature is a hierarchical group of components. How To Add Microsoft Excel Application In Dcom Config Xp. A feature may contain any number of components and other sub features. ExSimMax practice exams are the best practice exams available in the industry, if we may say so ourselves. ExSimMax is designed to simulate the complete exam. Smaller packages can consist of a single feature. More complex installers may display a custom setup dialog box, from which the user can select which features to install or remove. The package author defines the product features. A word processor, for example, might place the programs core file into one feature, and the programs help files, optional spelling checker and stationery modules into additional features. ComponentseditA component is the basic unit of a product. Each component is treated by Windows Installer as a unit. Select-Language-during-fedora25-installation.jpg' alt='Select The Language To Use During The Installation Package' title='Select The Language To Use During The Installation Package' />The installer cannot install just part of a component. Components can contain program files, folders, COM components, registry keys, and shortcuts. The user does not directly interact with components. Components are identified globally by GUIDs thus the same component can be shared among several features of the same package or multiple packages, ideally through the use of Merge Modules. Key pathseditA key path is a specific file, registry key, or ODBC data source that the package author specifies as critical for a given component. Because a file is the most common type of key path, the term key file is commonly used. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-Installation_Guide-en-US/images/2e8355fb49d21671fb0eb236a791b683/pkg-group.png' alt='Select The Language To Use During The Installation Package' title='Select The Language To Use During The Installation Package' />A component can contain at most one key path if a component has no explicit key path, the components destination folder is taken to be the key path. When an MSI based program is launched, Windows Installer checks the existence of key paths. If there is a mismatch between the current system state and the value specified in the MSI package e. This process is known as self healing or self repair. No two components should use the same key path. Setup phaseseditUser interfaceeditThe user interface phase typically queries the target system, displays an installation wizard and enables the user to change various options that will affect the installation. However, the user interface sequence should not make any changes to the system, for the following reasons A user may install or uninstall an MSI package in passive mode or silent mode, bypassing this phase entirely. Passive mode bypasses the user interface phase but shows a graphical progress bar. Silent mode shows nothing. During installation, information gathered in this phase may be supplied beforehand through the command line interface. The user interface sequence runs with user privileges, and not with the elevated privileges required during installation. ExecuteeditWhen the user clicks the Install button in a typical MSI installation wizard, installation proceeds to the Execute phase, in which software components are actually installed. The Execute phase makes system changes, but it does not display any user interface elements. The Execute phase happens in two steps clarification needed Two mode or two steps Do both runImmediate mode. In this phase, Windows Installer receives instructions, either from a user or an application, to install or uninstall features of a product. The requests cause the execution of sequences of actions, which query the installation database to build an internal script describing the execution phase in detail. Deferred mode. In this phase, the script built in immediate mode is executed in the context of the privileged Windows Installer service. The script must be executed by a privileged account because of the heterogeneity of the scenarios in which a setup operation is initiated. For example, elevated privileges are necessary to serve on demand installation requests from non privileged users. To run with elevated privileges, however, the package must be deployed by a local administrator or advertised by a system administrator using Group Policy. RollbackeditAll installation operations are transactional. In other words, for each operation that Windows Installer performs, it generates an equivalent undo operation that would revert the change made to the system. In case any script action fails during deferred execution, or the operation is cancelled by the user, all the actions performed until that point are rolled back, restoring the system to its original state. Standard Windows Installer actions automatically write information into a rollback script package authors who create custom actions that change the target system should also create corresponding rollback actions as well as uninstall actions and uninstallation rollback actions. As a design feature, if applied correctly this mechanism will also roll back a failed uninstall of an application to a good working state. Other featureseditAdvertisementeditWindows Installer can advertise a product rather than actually install it. The product will appear installed to the user, but it will not actually be installed until it is run for the first time by triggering an entry point by means of a Start menu shortcut, by opening a document that the product is configured to handle, or by invoking an advertised COM class. Eclipse IDE Tutorial. The Package Explorer view allows you to display the associated file from the currently selected editor. For example, if you are working on the Foo. Java editor and switch to the Java editor of the Var. Package Explorer view. To activate this behavior, press the Link with Editor button in the Package explorer view as depicted in the following screenshot. You can navigate between the classes in your project via the Package Explorer view as described before. You can navigate the tree and open a file via a double click. In addition, you can open any class by positioning the cursor on the class in an editor and pressing F3. Alternatively, you can press CtrlShiftT. This shows the following dialog in which you can enter the class name to open it. You can also search for package names. Each part of the package name must end with a. Open Type Dialog can identify it as a package. You only need to specify part of each segment of the package name. Assume, for example, that you search for the org. Button class. To find this class, you can use the search term org. Button or o. e. s. Button or o. Button. The Open Type Dialog also supports Camel. Case like search, e. For example, if you would search for the On. Touch. Listener class you could use OTL or OTo. List as search term. To avoid suffix matching, you can add a space after the class name. For example, you can type Selection there is a space after selection to match the Selection class but not the Selection. Listener class. Wildcards like are also supported. You can open any file from your open projects via the Open Resource dialog. You can open this dialog via the CtrlShiftR shortcut. This dialog allows to enter the file name and to open or show it in a selected view. The following screenshot demonstrate the usage to open a pom. Quick Outline shows you an structured overview of the file you are editing. For example, for a Java class you see its methods with the option to filter. The shortcut for opening the Quick Outline is CtrlO. You can also reach this option, via right click in an editor via the Quick Outline option. By default, Quick Outline shows only the direct members and fields of the Java class. Press CtrlO again to show also the inherited members and fields. The default look of the Quick Outline option is similar to the Quick Outline view of the Javaperspective. The type hierarchy of a class shows you which classes it extends and which interfaces it implements. You can use the type hierarchy to navigate to one of these elements. To open the type hierarchy of the selected class, right click in the editor and select Open Type Hierarchy Shortcut F4 or Quick Type Hierarchy Shortcut CtrlT. The Search functionality CtrlH offers specialized searches for more complex use cases. For example, use the Java Search tab to search for Java elements, e. The Search view shows the search results for the selected scope. You can double click on a search entry to navigate to the corresponding position in the editor. The currently selected search result is also indicated via an arrow in the left border of the editor. You can use the CtrlJ shortcut to activate Incremental Find. This allows you to search in the current active editor for a text which is displayed in the status line as depicted by the following screenshot. Repeat CtrlJ in order to move to the next occurrence of the current search term. The advantage of this search is that no pop up dialog is opened which blocks other elements in the Eclipse IDE. If you have selected an element in the editor, you can use the CtrlK shortcut to search for the next occurrence of the selected text and CtrlShiftK for the previous element. You can also navigate via the annotation buttons, e. By pressing the buttons you can navigate to the related annotations. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl. Ctrl plus the dot sign for selecting the next annotation or Ctrl, Ctrl plus the comma sign for selecting the previous annotation. The following screenshot shows source code with two warnings and one error and you can navigate between the corresponding code via the annotation buttons. Which annotations are relevant for navigation can be configured via the drop down menu of the toolbar. This selection is highlighted in the following screenshot. In a lot of cases you can also use the mouse to navigate to or into an element if you press the Ctrl key. For example, press the Ctrl key and left click with the mouse on the name of a class to jump into the class declaration. Similar to the left mouse click combined with the Ctrl, you can use the F3 key to go into a class. You can also activate the breadcrumb mode for the Java editor which allows you to navigate the source code directly from the Java editor. You can activate this mode via right click in the editor and by selecting the Show in Breadcrumb entry. This allows you to navigate the source code from the editor as depicted in the following screenshot. To hide it again, right click on a breadcrump entry and select Hide Breadcrumb. There are a lot of shortcuts available for navigation. Please check the appendix of this tutorial for these shortcuts or open to find and redefine shortcuts at runtime. Closing projects saves memory in Eclipse and can reduce the build time. Eclipse ignores closed projects, e. Also the Problems view does only shows errors of opened projects. This typically helps you focus your attention on the project. You can close projects via a right click on it and by selecting the Close Project menu entry. Alternatively, if you work on a project, you can close all unrelated projects via a right click on it and by selecting the Close Unrelated Projects menu entry. To open a closed project double click on it, or right click it and select Open Project. You can use the filter functionality for the Package Explorer view to hide the closed projects.