If youre getting married in the state of California you must first apply for a wedding license at any instate county clerk office. These offices, some of which are. About Marriage Records in California Marriage records can be ordered from the California Department of Health only be by mail. However, marriage records are also. NOTARY CONSUMER DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENT SB 1050 Effective January 1, 2015, pursuant to Senate Bill 1050, the Alameda County ClerkRecorders Office will require the. Budget and Accounting. FacilitiesSecurity Division. Human Resources. 40. Labor Relations. 40. Civil. Alternative Dispute Resolution ADR Administrator. Appeals Unit. Arbitration Unit. Civil Calendar. 40. Civil Law Motion. Clerks Office Unit. Fictitious Business Names. Judicial Marriage list of available Judges 4. Marriage License county website 4. Records Unit. Court Services. Court Interpreters. Court Reporter Coordinator. CourtroomJudges Telephone Numbers. Criminal. Hall of Justice. Palo Alto Courthouse Criminal. South County Courthouse Criminal. Family Justice Center Courthouse Drug Court4. Criminal TDD Telecommunications Device for the Hearing Impaired, only4. Family. Calendar San Jose Family Court. Clerks Office San Jose Family Court. Court Specialist San Jose Family Court. Family Court ClinicFamily Law Facilitator. Family Court Services. Mediation Assessments. Records San Jose Family Court. Jury. Jury Commissioner Hall of Justice HOJ4. Jury Commissioner Downtown Superior Court. Jury Recording. 40. Jury TDD Telecommunications Device for the Hearing Impaired, only4. Office of the Grand Jury. Juvenile. Juvenile Dependency Clerks Office. Juvenile Justice Clerks Office. Probate. Probate Clerk Filings and Calendar Information. LPS Mental Health Filings and Calendar Clerk. Probate Preapproved List Recording. Small Claims. Advisor Small Claims. Click for contact information. Downtown Superior Court DTS Small Claims. Traffic. Traffic Court Santa Clara Courthouse4.