Photog Mommie. Background bluryou want it, I want it, we all want it, right If youre a fancy pants you might call it bokeh. But, if youre like me you just say blurry because thats what it is. Although, bokeh really is kind of fun to say. This is a technique that can take an ehhhh photo and make it fabulous. It can take a busy, despicable background and make it tolerable or dare I say, fabulous Instead of feeling like an amateur you can feel like a magician with a camera. It will allow you to create photos that the human eye cannot see. You will constantly be impressing friends or on lookers with your stealth photo skills. Try it you will be addicted. Besides impressing people, which is always fun you will also get drastically better photos. Any time you can make your subject pop out from the background to be the star of the show this is a veeerrrrry GOOD THING Try these 3 easy steps and see how you doI think youll be pleasantly surprised with the results. Choose a Wide Open F Stop. A very large part of a blurry background is caused by a wide f stop like 1. The wider your f stop is, the smaller the depth of field will be. Depth of field is the amount of the photo that will be in focus. So, if you focus on your subjects eyes with a very shallow depth of field, the focus will not cover the background and wahla you gots da BLUR Woo 2. Choose a Long Lens. The longer your lens, the more background blur you can get A longer lens allows you to get further away from your subject and zoom in, which will create greater amounts of blur. I can get amazing background blur with my 8. Magicians3b-600x336.jpg' alt='Photo Magician 2 3 3 0' title='Photo Magician 2 3 3 0' />Samsung SSD Magician is designed to help users manage the health and performance of their Samsung SSD. Sphintus Carmen, Sufintosu. Kmen is a Magician training in Magnostadt. At. Position Your Subject Away from the Background. The further your subject is from the background, the more blur you will get. If your subject is right up against the background, it will be much harder to not have it in focus. So, separate your subject from the background as much as you possibly can. If you do 1 of these things youre on the right track, 2 of them youre almost there and 3 of them youll be in BLUR heaven. Promise. Heres are a few examples. Serial For Get Data Back. ISO 3. 20, 12. 00. Full software with working serial key, IsoBuster Pro version 3. Build 3. 3. 0. 0. ISO 5. 00, 11. 00. ISO 5. 00, 11. 00. ISO 5. 00, 18. 00 f2. Photo Magician 2 3 3 0' title='Photo Magician 2 3 3 0' />Persi Warren Diaconis born January 31, 1945 is an American mathematician of Greek descent and former professional magician. He is the Mary V. Sunseri Professor of. Shop from the worlds largest selection and best deals for Collectible Magic Tricks.