SQL style guide by Simon Holywell. Overview. You can use this set of guidelines, fork them or make your own the. To suggest changes. Git. Hub. These guidelines are designed to be compatible with Joe Celkos SQL Programming. Style book to make adoption for teams who have already read that book. This guide is a little more opinionated in some areas and in others a. It is certainly more succinct where Celkos book. It is easy to include this guide in Markdown format as a part of a. SQL style guide by Simon Holywell is licensed under a Creative Commons. Attribution Share. Alike 4. 0 International License. Based on a work at http www. General. Do. Use consistent and descriptive identifiers and names. Make judicious use of white space and indentation to make code easier to read. Store ISO 8. 60. YYYY MM DD HH MM SS. SSSSS. Try to use only standard SQL functions instead of vendor specific functions for. The purpose of this KBA is to help SAP customers obtain a general idea of potential fixed situations in future Adaptive Server Enterprise ASE EBFSP or PL releases. Steve, Im looking for a Javaprocedure executing host calls on a Unix environment from the Oracleserver. I know the standard way of doing it by means of ProC for. A consistent code style guide for SQL to ensure legible and maintainable projects. Keep code succinct and devoid of redundant SQLsuch as unnecessary quoting or. WHERE clauses that can otherwise be derived. Include comments in SQL code where necessary. Use the C style opening and. SELECTfilehash stored ssdeep hash. FROMfilesystem. WHEREfilename. Updating the file record after writing to the file UPDATEfilesystem. SETfilemodifieddate1. WHEREfilename. Avoid. Camel. Caseit is difficult to scan quickly. Descriptive prefixes or Hungarian notation such as sp or tbl. Pluralsuse the more natural collective term where possible instead. For example. staff instead of employees or people instead of individuals. Quoted identifiersif you must use them then stick to SQL9. SQL server to support this depending. Object oriented design principles should not be applied to SQL or database. Naming conventions. General. Ensure the name is unique and does not exist as a. Keep the length to a maximum of 3. Names must begin with a letter and may not end with an underscore. Only use letters, numbers and underscores in names. Avoid the use of multiple consecutive underscoresthese can be hard to read. Use underscores where you would naturally include a space in the name first. Avoid abbreviations and if you have to use them make sure they are commonly. SELECTfirstname. FROMstaff Tables. Use a collective name or, less ideally, a plural form. For example in order of. Do not prefix with tbl or any other such descriptive prefix or Hungarian. Never give a table the same name as one of its columns and vice versa. Avoid, where possible, concatenating two table names together to create the name. Rather than carsmechanics prefer services. Columns. Always use the singular name. Where possible avoid simply using id as the primary identifier for the table. Do not add a column with the same name as its table and vice versa. Always use lowercase except where it may make sense not to such as proper nouns. Aliasing or correlations. Should relate in some way to the object or expression they are aliasing. As a rule of thumb the correlation name should be the first letter of each word. If there is already a correlation with the same name then append a number. Always include the AS keywordmakes it easier to read as it is explicit. For computed data SUM or AVG use the name you would give it were it. SELECTfirstname. ASfn. FROMstaff. ASs. JOINstudents. ASs. ONs. 2. mentorids. SELECTSUMs. monitortallyASmonitortotal. FROMstaff. ASs Stored procedures. The name must contain a verb. Do not prefix with sp or any other such descriptive prefix or Hungarian. Uniform suffixes. The following suffixes have a universal meaning ensuring the columns can be read. SQL code. Use the correct suffix where appropriate. Query syntax. Reserved words. Always use uppercase for the reserved keywords. SELECT and WHERE. It is best to avoid the abbreviated keywords and use the full length ones where. ABSOLUTE to ABS. Do not use database server specific keywords where an ANSI SQL keyword already. This helps to make code more portable. SELECTmodelnum. FROMphones. ASp. WHEREp. releasedate 2. White space. To make the code easier to read it is important that the correct compliment of. Do not crowd code or remove natural language spaces. Spaces. Spaces should be used to line up the code so that the root keywords all end on. This forms a river down the middle making it easy for. Rivers are bad in typography, but helpful here. SELECTf. AVGf. heightASaverageheight,AVGf. ASaveragediameter. FROMflora. ASf. WHEREf. BanksiaORf. speciesnameSheoakORf. WattleGROUPBYf. speciesname,f. UNIONALLSELECTb. AVGb. ASaverageheight,AVGb. ASaveragediameter. FROMbotanicgardenflora. ASb. WHEREb. speciesnameBanksiaORb. SheoakORb. speciesnameWattleGROUPBYb. Notice that SELECT, FROM, etc. Although not exhaustive always include spaces before and after equals after commas ,surrounding apostrophes where not within parentheses or with a trailing. SELECTa. title,a. FROMalbums. ASa. WHEREa. Charcoal LaneORa. The New Danger Line spacing. Always include newlinesvertical space before AND or ORafter semicolons to separate queries for easier readingafter each keyword definitionafter a comma when separating multiple columns into logical groupsto separate code into related sections, which helps to ease the readability of. Keeping all the keywords aligned to the righthand side and the values left aligned. It makes it much easier to scan. INSERTINTOalbumstitle,releasedate,recordingdateVALUESCharcoal Lane,1. The New Danger,2. UPDATEalbums. SETreleasedate1. WHEREtitleThe New Danger SELECTa. FROMalbums. ASa. WHEREa. Charcoal LaneORa. The New Danger Indentation. To ensure that SQL is readable it is important that standards of indentation. Joins. Joins should be indented to the other side of the river and grouped with a new. SELECTr. lastname. FROMriders. ASr. INNERJOINbikes. ASb. ONr. bikevinnumb. ANDb. engines 2. INNERJOINcrew. ASc. ONr. crewchieflastnamec. ANDc. chiefY Subqueries. Subqueries should also be aligned to the right side of the river and then laid. Sometimes it will make sense to have. SELECTr. lastname,SELECTMAXYEARchampionshipdateFROMchampions. ASc. WHEREc. lastnamer. ANDc. confirmedYASlastchampionshipyear. FROMriders. ASr. WHEREr. INSELECTc. lastname. FROMchampions. ASc. WHEREYEARchampionshipdate 2. ANDc. confirmedY Preferred formalisms. Make use of BETWEEN where possible instead of combining multiple statements. AND. Similarly use IN instead of multiple OR clauses. Where a value needs to be interpreted before leaving the database use the CASE. CASE statements can be nested to form more complex logical structures. Avoid the use of UNION clauses and temporary tables where possible. If the. schema can be optimised to remove the reliance on these features then it most. SELECTCASEpostcode. WHENBN1THENBrightonWHENEH1THENEdinburghENDAScity. FROMofficelocations. WHEREcountryUnited KingdomANDopeningtime. BETWEEN8. AND9. ANDpostcode. INEH1,BN1,NN1,KW1Create syntax. When declaring schema information it is also important to maintain human. To facilitate this ensure the column definitions are ordered and. Indent column definitions by four 4 spaces within the CREATE definition. Choosing data types. Where possible do not use vendor specific data typesthese are not portable and. How To Update A Null Value In Db2 Error there. Only use REAL or FLOAT types where it is strictly necessary for floating. NUMERIC and DECIMAL at all times.