My Utmost For His Highest Book

My Utmost For His Highest Book

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Badass Roy BenavidezIn antipation of the release of my new book BADASS ULTIMATE DEATHMATCH next Tuesday pre orders available now pimp pimp HLAUAUGHGAHGH, Im including a chapter from the book as my article this week. Behold the story of Roy Benavidez, a man who is probably the most requested person Ive ever received in my 8 years of running this website. It was supposed to be a simple recon mission. A small team of ultra elite asskicking American Green Berets, infiltrating deep into the thick jungles several miles beyond the Cambodian border on a super classified stealth mission to gather information on North Vietnamese Army troop movements. But when the evac choppers limped back to base looking like theyd just been run through a gigantic, helicopter sized microwave, it was obvious that things hadnt gone all that smoothly for the men of the 1st Special Forces. Master Sergeant Roy P. Benavidez was off duty attending church services when the fighting began, but hed spent the last ten minutes anxiously monitoring the radio chatter from the front. The 1. Green Berets had stumbled into an intense firefight, and now Benavidezs brochachos suddenly found themselves surrounded and pinned down by a full battalion of North Vietnamese infantry somewhere between 5. Americans why the hell they were traipsing around Eastern Cambodia with M 1. Nearly every man in the American unit had been wounded or killed in the early rounds of fighting, and the three rescue choppers sent in to extract the team were driven off by intense ground fire from heavy machine guns and rocket propelled grenades. But if theres one thing you should probably know about the U. S. Army Special Forces, its that the Green Berets dont screw around when it comes to kicking asses, and they dont leave a man behind for anything. So, when Sergeant Benavidez saw the remains of the crippled evacuation helicopters screeching to a halt on the base runway, he knew what he had to do. There was no way in hell he was leaving his good friends his brothers to die alone out there in the middle of the jungle surrounded by their enemies. The off duty Texan grabbed a rifle and as many medical bags as he could carry, and jumped onto the deck of the first chopper headed back to the front lines. Maybe he wasnt going to hold back the entire battalion by himself, but the least he could do was try. When the helicopters reached the extraction zone, Benavidez got a good look at the situation on the ground, and it wasnt exactly a bunch of unicorns and rainbows frolicking in a lush meadow with a bunch of topless babes. Every man from the Special Forces squad had been wounded, many beyond the ability to fight, and they were completely surrounded and trapped by entrenched enemy troops with mortars and heavy machine guns. Benavidez, who was known by the badass code name Tango Mike Mike, knew that these men werent going to be able to get out to the LZ, and the overabundance of large North Vietnamese death implements meant that the rescue helicopters werent going to be able to get anywhere near the firefight without exploding into dust. So Sergeant Roy P. Benavidez did something that most sane people would never have even considered attempting he told the pilot to find a nearby clearing and put him on the ground. Maybe he was only one Green Beret surrounded by enemy soldiers, but so was John Rambo and while Tango Mike Mike never blew a dude up with an explosive tipped arrow, the similarities between these two men would soon become painfully obvious to the NVA soldiers unlucky enough to be standing in his way. Benavidez jumped down from the hovering chopper to the grass below, his rifle slung over his shoulder and his arms loaded with as many medical supplies and first aid kits as he could carry. This one man whirlwhind of awesome then proceeded to sprint 7. NVA troops looking at him like, Who the hell is this guy, his eyes never turning from his objective. When Benavidez reached the Green Berets position, hed already taken a few bullets and some shrapnel in his face, arms, and head, but he was still upright and ready to bite off the enemys faces and transform those faces into fertilizing manure using the transformative power of digestion. The situation wasnt good everyone was hurt badly including one hardass warrior who was somehow still fighting even though one of his eyes had been shot out, and now it was basically down to Sergeant Benavidez to organize this beat to hell team and hold off an entire NVA battalion almost entirely by himself. He immediately sprung into action. Surrounded by a thousand or so NVA troops attacking him with AK 4. And to the fierce contention brought along Innumerable force of Spirits armd That durst dislike his reign, and me preferring, His utmost power with adverse power opposd. Synopsis and history. My Utmost for His Highest is broken down into 366 sections for each day of the year, meant to be read daily for inspiration. ClassZone Book Finder. Follow these simple steps to find online resources for your book. I ON SAVING TIME. Greetings from Seneca to his friend Lucilius. CONTINUE to act thus, my dear Lucilius set yourself free for your own sake gather and save your. The Stromata Book II Chapter 1. Introductory. As Scripture has called the Greeks pilferers of the Barbarian philosophy, it will next have to be considered how this. RPGs, BFGs, mortars, hand grenades, and everything else this side of the Cerberal Bore from Turok Dinosaur Hunter, Benavidez provided morphine and first aid to the wounded, got the troops to a more defensible position, and directed their fire against enemy weapons teams. Despite intense fire, Benavidez went guns blazing with his rifle, and when his M 1. AK off a dead NVA trooper and continued his one man war against a horde of Commie bastards, holding them off and clearing a path for the team to be extracted to safety. Once the way out was clear, Benavidez threw some smoke canisters, signaling the rescue helicopter, and when a brave pilot landed to get the wounded men out of there, Benavidez personally carried the wounded men to the evac point, making six separate trips to assist wounded soldiers and recover classified documents that had accidentally been dropped in the middle of the warzone. Original book artwork by Steven Belledin. While he was providing covering fire for the last of the Green Berets to board the chopper, however, disaster struck an NVA frag grenade landed super close to Benavidez, blowing this insane warrior off his feet and racking his back with shrapnel. As he hit the ground, an AK 4. He lost consciousness, but only briefly. When he came too moments later, he looked up to see a flaming, smoking wreck where the rescue helicopter had once been. Now Roy Benavidez was a warrior in all aspects of his life. This was a man who had seen adversity, looked it square in the face, then kicked it in the Guybrush Threepwood and did a tap dance on its lifeless, ball less corpse. A man of Mexican and Yaqui Indian heritage who had battled racism nearly every day of his early adult life, this guy had somehow survived despite losing both of his parents by the time he was 7 when times had been too hard and food was scarce, hed dropped out of middle school to work back breaking labor picking cotton to support himself and his brothers and sisters. In his sixteen years of military service, he had been through a lot of horrible stuff, but hed always pulled through, no matter what the odds. Just four years earlier, when he was still with the 8. My Utmost For His Highest Book' title='My Utmost For His Highest Book' />P. KITB ALMAGLL OR THE BOOK OF THE ROLLS. ONE OF THE BOOKS OF CLEMENT. Amazon Interview Questions For Software Development Engineer Jobs. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, one God, the merciful. 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My Utmost For His Highest Book
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