Music is essential at a wedding, especially at the reception. But some songs are just way too clicheor earravagingand people are tired of hearing them. These. Big. Blue. Button Install. Welcome to the installation guide for Big. Blue. Button 1. 1. Big. Blue. Button is an open source web conferencing system for online learning. The goal of the project is to enable teachers to engage remote students in a high quality online learning experience. Big. Blue. Button 1. Big. Blue. Button 1. This document is for system administrators and developers wanting to setup and install Big. Blue. Button 1. 1. Specifically, it covers installation of Big. Blue. Button on a Ubuntu 1. Big. Blue. Button to use a hostname and SSL certificate, and, if Big. Blue. Button is running behind a firewall, configuring the firewall to pass through connections on specific ports to the Big. Blue. Button server. For developers, when installing Big. Blue. Button a virtual machine VM or a Linux Container LXD running on a local network, you can typically skip configuring a hostname, SSL certificate, and firewall. Use Fire. Fox to test as this browser does not require a SSL certificate for use with Web. RTC. For administrators, if you want to setup Big. Blue. Button on a public server for use by others, you will need to configure Big. Install Music Player Daemon Windows 7' title='Install Music Player Daemon Windows 7' />Windows 8. Service Pack. The significant Windows 8. We show you how to. Blue. Button with a valid hostname and SSL certificate not a self generated certificate. Furthermore, if you are installing Big. Blue. Button behind a firewall, you will also need to configure the firewall to pass through specific connections to the Big. Blue. Button server the details are given in this document. We recommend installing Big. Windows 8. 1 has been released. If youre using Windows 8, upgrading to Windows 8. If youre using another operating system Windows 7. It isnt hard to go from reading an article on your phone to reading it on your laptop. All you need to do is remember where you found it, right But searching for. Install Music Player Daemon Windows 7' title='Install Music Player Daemon Windows 7' />Blue. Button 1. 1 on a new Ubuntu 1. Such applications create subtle conflicts with the installation and running of Big. Blue. Button that are difficult to resolve. If you want to upgrade a Big. Blue. Button 1. 0 or earlier server, we recommend to starting with a separate clean Ubuntu 1. Big. Blue. Button 1. If you encounter difficulties with the installation, see http bigbluebutton. Big. Blue. Button community reach out to companies that offer commercial support and hosting for Big. Blue. Button. Before you install. Before you type sudo apt get install Big. Blue. Button, go through this section to make sure your server meets the minimum requirements. Minimum server requirements. The minimum server requirements for installing Big. Blue. Button 1. 1 are. Ubuntu 1. 6. 0. 4 6. OS4 GB of memory with swap enabled 8 GB of memory is betterQuad core 2. If you do not see the line inet6 1128 scope host then after you install BigBlueButton you will need to modify the configuration for FreeSWITCH to disable support. Download Cheat Engine, Microsoft Office 2016, CounterStrike, WhatsApp Desktop, VLC Media Player. GHZ CPU or fasterTCP ports 8. TCP port 7. 44. 3 is accessible if you intend to configure SSL recommended, otherwise port 5. UDP ports 1. 63. 84 3. Port 8. 0 is not in use by another application. Other recommendations are. G of free disk space or more for recordings. Mbitssec bandwidth symmetricalDedicated bare metal hardware not virtualizedWhy do we recommend a bare metal server Big. Blue. Button uses Free. SWITCH for processing of incoming audio packets and Free. SWITCH works best in a non virtualized environment see Free. SWITCH recommended configurations. You can still run Big. Blue. Button on a virtual server such as shown in the install video, but youll get best performance on dedicated hardware. If you are a developer setting up a Big. Blue. Button server for dev and testing, you dont need 5. G free for such recordings 4. G would be more than sufficient. If you want to install Big. Blue. Button on Amazon EC2, launch a 6. Xenial instance from Canonicals list of list of supported AMI. We recommend running Big. Blue. Button on a c. CPU instance. What about bandwidth for users For end user accessing the Big. Blue. Button server we recommend a minimum of 1. Mbitssec download speed and 0. Mbitssec upload speed. If the presenter intends to share his or her desktop, then we recommend a minimum of 1. Mbitssec upload speed. Check server specs. Got a Ubuntu 1. 6. Great, lets run through some quicks configuration checks to make sure the server is ready for an error free install. Doing these quick steps will save time later on. First, check that the locale of the server is enUS. UTF 8. To check the locale, enter the following command and check its output matches LANGenUS. UTF 8. cat etcdefaultlocale. LANGenUS. UTF 8. If you dont see LANGenUS. UTF 8, then enter the following commands to set the local to enUS. UTF 8. sudo apt get install language pack en. LANGenUS. UTF 8. Next, logout and then log back into your SSH session this will reload the locale configuration for your session and run the above command cat etcdefaultlocale again. Verify you see only the single line LANGenUS. UTF 8. Note If you see an additional line LCALLenUS. UTF 8, then remove the entry for LCALL from etcdefaultlocale and logout and then log back in once more. Next, check that your server has at lest 4. G of memory using the command free h. Heres the output from one of our test servers. Mem 3. 1G 5. G 3. M 1. G 2. 5G 2. G. Swap 3. 1G 3. M 3. G. If you see a value for Mem in the total column less than 4. G the above example is showing 3. G, then your server has insufficient memory to run Big. Blue. Button. You need to increase the servers memory to at least 4. G. Next, check that the server has Ubuntu is 1. DISTRIBIDUbuntu. DISTRIBRELEASE1. DISTRIBCODENAMExenial. DISTRIBDESCRIPTIONUbuntu 1. LTS. Next, check that your server is running the 6. Ubuntu 1. 6. 0. 4. Next, check that your server supports IPV6. If you do not see the line inet. Big. Blue. Button you will need to modify the configuration for Free. SWITCH to disable support for IPV6. Dusk To Dawn Electric Window Candles on this page. A word on the choice of Linux distribution. We the core developers have designed, developed, installed, and tested Big. Blue. Button 1. 1 on Ubuntu 1. Xenial Xerus. Thats what we recommend you use. We have not tested Big. Blue. Button 1. 1 on any other version of Ubuntu or Linux. Why the focus on Ubuntu 1. Its a choice of quality over quantity. Long ago we concluded that its better for the project to have solid, well tested, well documented installation for a specific version of Linux that works really, really well than to try and support may variants of Linux and have none of them work well. Have a Hostname and SSL certificateIf you are a developer setting up Big. Blue. Button on a local VM for yourself only, then you can likely skip this section. We recommend assigning your Big. Blue. Button server a fully qualified domain name FQDN, such as bigbluebutton. SSL certificate. Doing this will enable nginx, the web server that gets installed with Big. Blue. Button, to serve content via secure hypertext transfer protocol HTTPS. Without HTTPS enabled some browsers such as Chrome will not let the use share their web cam or microphone. Also, without HTTPS enabled, some browsers will complain about insecure content. In short, on any server used in production, setup of a domain name and valid SSL certificate is a must. For obtaining a domain name, there are many good domain name registrars such as Go. Dadday and Network Solutions. For obtaining a SSL certificate, after you install Big. Blue. Button, there is more detailed information in the section Obtain an SSL certificate. Configure the firewall if requiredAgain, if you are a developer setting up Big. Blue. Button on a local VM for testing, you can likely skip this section. The simplest network configuration for a Big.