DIY How to Install Beadboard on Walls and Ceilings. Youve already seen our really ugly wallpapered master closet and while it may be bigger now, we had a long way to go to make it look better. To start, we decided get our DIY on and hang beadboard everywhere. So heres the scoop on how to install beadboard on walls and ceilings or even weird angled closet walls. The process isnt too difficult and it was totally worth it to us to have a fresh, clean closet. Heres where our walls started There just was no way for us to take off all that wallpaper trust me, I tried. I think it isnt really wallpaper but is some sort of ancient wall covering that was was attached to wood with something akin to industrial glue. It wasnt coming off. So we embraced the beadboard look that we already have in our family bathroom and in another closet. Microsoft Toolkit 2 5 Beta 4 All Windows Startup. To get started on any beadboard project, heres what youll need 4x. JPG?size=634x922&nocrop=1' alt='How To Install Beadboard Paneling Over Drywall Install' title='How To Install Beadboard Paneling Over Drywall Install' />Last week, some of you might have seen on our Instagram Stories that we added beadboard to the garden apartments laundry room Almost immediately, we received a. Share. Share 7 DIY Kitchen Backsplash Ideas That Will Transform Your Kitchen on Facebook Share 7 DIY Kitchen Backsplash Ideas That Will Transform Your. Painting paneling can be a labor intensive job, but if done the DIYNetwork. It can brighten up a room and give it a whole new look. How to add a beadboard backsplash in the kitchen. Economical and easy option for a DIY backsplash and can be added over tile. OH my word girl I love thisI have wanted to put beadboard up in my little bathroom for years but I was afraid to try but this I can do American Pacific 32 x 48 Rustic Pine 2 Beaded Wainscot Panel. Model Number 5014615 Menards SKU 5014615. Fully Concealed Hinges Hinge swings the door out of the way for pullout shelves. Price is per pair. Technical Details Fully. We installed these on our entire kitchen under the cabinets and I couldnt be more pleased they loook great with all my stainless appliances and easy to install I. Getting rid of paint smell. Last Updated on Sunday, 12 February 2012 0648 by ermand Sunday, 12 February 2012 0641. Todays question comes from Aaren. On my summer trip to my moms house, one of the project she asked me to work on was paneling her bathroom ceiling. She had seen my powder room ceiling and decided. Home Depottrim pieces if necessarynail gun nailsconstruction adhesive liquid nailssandpaper or sanding blockcaulk and wood filllevelpaintmuscles. Our closet is a funny shape so we decided to put our beadboard up one wall, across our ceiling, and down the sloped wall on the opposite side so that if you are standing in the doorway to the closet, looking toward the window, the beadboard shown in red would go on the walls like this We kept the window wall bead board free I mean, we didnt want it looking like a fun house or anything. So while this room is a weird shape, the same principles apply for installing sheets of beadboard to any wall and ceiling. Heres how you do it. Measure. I measured every area surface that I was going to beadboard and then calculated my cuts based on the 4x. I wimped out and instead of using my b day gift table saw for the first time, I just had my friendly Home Depot helper cut the sheets to my specs. Hang your beadboard. Even before hanging, its best to test fit your beadboard. Assuming your cuts are accurate, start on one side of your room and attach the sheet of beadboard to the wall with construction adhesive on the back in a squiggly shape and then with lots of nails. Use a level to get your first sheet straight and the rest will follow. Each sheet of beadboard should butt up together very tightly youll need to really use your muscles to hold the sheets together while nailing it did that sentence sound wrong to anyone else. It is possible to do it on your own I did some that way but so much easier to have a second set of hands again, really awkward language here. Add Trim. Our walls were all wonky so we used trim to make sure that everything looked nice and neat where the walls met the ceiling. Again, bust out your nail gun for this. Fill and Caulk and Sand. You want your beadboard to look seamless, so fill every single hole with wood filler. Then sand to make it smooth. Then caulk every seam. And caulk where your trim meets your beadboard. Heres a progression of a seam and nail holes to show how it looks 5. Paint. I used a 6 roller to just roll the entire thing with white paint. I would have liked a brushed look better but hell, its a closet, and Im in the middle of our kitchen reno so a little rolling saved a lot of time. And thats really it The biggest challenge is hoisting up those sheets of beadboard but once youve done that, the rest is pretty smooth sailing. And now it just looks so much better not that thats saying a lot considering where we started. Okay, next Ill share our organization and storage solutions for this really awkward shaped closet. I feel another Ikea hack coming on Linked Home Stories A to Z.