Best Pool Vacuum Cleaners Review Updated 2. Owning a swimming pool is a luxury, but its a luxury that you can take advantage of on every nice day. Once you install, you need to take care of regular maintenance like checking the chlorine levels, removing leaves and other debris and generally cleaning it. The ideal pool vacuum cleaners for a swimming area can help you keep the water sparkling clean and keep it ready for your next dip. Its hard to pick the number one and best pool vacuum cleaner for a swimming pool without knowing what you want and the type of installation that you have. Pk94LTyCik/hqdefault.jpg' alt='How To Install A Polaris 360 Pool Cleaner' title='How To Install A Polaris 360 Pool Cleaner' />Asked on 1112017 by Nancy Broda. We have been using a Arneson Pool Vac in our 30,000 gal in ground vinal pool. The deep end is 9 ft. Will this product function the. Polaris 3900 Sport pool cleaner is the most technologically advanced swimming pool cleaner on the market. Polaris-Booster-Pump-side-pool-cleaner-PB4-60-plumbing.jpg' alt='How To Install A Polaris 360 Pool Cleaner' title='How To Install A Polaris 360 Pool Cleaner' />How to Choose an Inground Pool Cleaner. Automatic inground pool cleaners are quite different and more complex than above ground pool cleaners, as inground pool. Polaris 280, 380 480 Pro Installation and WalkThru Duration 818. Swimming Pool Tips, Reviews How To MrDgvb1 136,841 views. SP_0085.gif' alt='How To Install A Polaris 360 Pool Cleaner' title='How To Install A Polaris 360 Pool Cleaner' />That is why our list includes the top based on different categories. Pool Vacuum Reviews Top 5 Winners. How to Choose The Perfect Cleaner. Suction. Suction are generally more affordable than other types of pool vacuum cleaners. These models work with the plumbing system already installed in your place and do a good job of finding and removing any debris located on the floor as well as the sides. A suction vacuum cleaner will work with the filtration system to permanently remove the debris. Hibernate Automatic Update After Select there. Pressure Side Another type of pool vacuum that you might like is one called a pressure side, which will either work with your pump or come with a dedicated pump. That pump provides the power necessary to keep the pool vacuum cleaners moving across the area. Pressure vacuums typically come with a filter bag that holds any of the debris found. Robotic. The popularity of robotic grew over the last decade as more owners wanted to keep it clean without spending a lot of time working on it. With this pool vacuum, you can set a timer and program it to clean at certain times of the day. These robotic vacuum cleaners are among the most expensive. In Ground vs. Above Ground. While the other types will work well in both types of swimming area, you may want to look at cleaners designed specifically for above ground or in ground. Those designed for in ground can often handle the large amount of water found in bigger area. An above ground vacuum will have an easier to use design that helps you get it out of the area. Built In Filter. Choosing a pool vacuum cleaner with its own built in filter cuts down on some of the mess produced by the vacuum and also cuts down on how often you need to clean. This filter will pull small branches, leaves and other objects from the water and keep that debris tucked inside a separate bag that you can empty later. Particle Size. Looking at the smallest particles that the model can pick up can help you avoid problems associated with mold and mildew. Those that can pick up smaller particles can suck up the mold spores that cause mold to form on the walls of it. Youll still want to make sure that the area can pick up larger particles and objects like branches and leaves though too. Type of Filter. In addition to looking for pool vacuum cleaners with a built in filter, youll want to look at the type of filter used. Some feature disposable bags that you can easily remove from the models and throw away before installing a new bag, but others have a dedicated filter compartment that you need to manually clean and empty. Other models will work with its own filter. Power Type. Consider the power type also to decide between a model that plugs in and one that uses batteries. Those that use batteries will typically come with rechargeable batteries and a separate charger that lets you charge those batteries for regular cleaning. Top 5 Robotic Models. The best choice for those who want this unit is this Tiger. Shark QC Automatic Sweeper with Quick Clean Technology from Hayward. Designed for use in swimming area that measure up to 2. Quick. Clean Technology that Hayward patented to completely clean the area in just 9. Once it completes a cycle, it can take a short break before going back around the area again. A 2. 4V motor helps this robotic pool vacuum cleaners use less power while still providing all the suction that you need. It also comes with a unique filter cartridge system that lets you rinse out the inside to keep the filter clear of debris. With the word sport in its name, you know that this Polaris F9. Sport In Ground Swimming Sweeper is great for those who live an active lifestyle. Though compact in size, it features a design that makes it look like a small car, and that design ensures that this sweeper can reach even the tightest of corners in the area. Vortex Technology designed by Polaris can track down and capture up to four times as much debris as other pool vacuum cleaners can. A pleated scrubbing brush works with its 4. WD motor to help this unit climb up the walls and move across the floor faster than its competitors, and it has a larger canister inside that can hold more of the debris it finds. As this canister opens from the top, you can easily remove all that debris to help the sweeper run more efficiently around the area. Some of the top robotic vacuum cleaners on the market today come from Dolphin, including this Dolphin 9. Dolphin Triton with Caddy Swivel Cable. The Triton can completely clean all areas because it has a design that lets it enter coves and cut outs as it moves across the bottom, but it will also climb the sides to clean debris from your walls. Dolphin gives you a 6. Capable of cleaning a whole area in three hours or less, the Triton comes with a filter cartridge that you can clean and rinse with fresh water and a swiveling cable that helps it reach more areas. It has a suction rate of more than 4,0. This Dolphin 9. 99. Dolphin Nautilus Sweeper with Swivel Cable remains on track and moves constantly across the bottom of it to find and remove debris that you may not even notice when looking through the water. Its unique design actually allows the sweeper to climb the sides of the walls to remove mold, leaves and other debris clinging to those surfaces, but it can also move into coves around the area too. Called one of the more affordable Dolphin models, the Nautilus uses less power than other robotic vacuum cleaners and helps you clean the swimming area for as little as 1. Each cycle will remove both visible debris as well as mold spores and bugs in the water too. A scanning program even lets the sweepers to determine where it should go. With a convenient carrying handle on top, this Hayward RC9. Shark. Vac Automatic is more portable than its competitors and is easy to drop right in the area for routine maintenance or extra cleaning before a party. A debris container on the top has a small lid that you can easily lift off to access the filter cartridge, and as it uses cartridges instead of bags, it produces less environmental waste. Built in brushes on the bottom actually scrub the surfaces in the area, but its built in filter will then suck in all that debris to keep the area sparkling. A microprocessor inside helps this robotic vacuum cleaners use less energy while being more efficient, and you may find that it leaves your place cleaner than other models. The Shark. Vac also installs easily without any tools and can work in all types of swimming area as well as those made from different materials. For This Model Our Winner isOur choice for the this model is the Hayward RC9. GR Tiger. Shark QC Check Price on Amazon. As it has its own built in filter, it finds and pulls out debris both on the surface of the water and under the water.