Wish the developers would see this comment, read this comment, at least allow people to override the GPU block. I mean, hey They claim to offer user choice. All I see is a blocked GPU that I cannot even use because Firefox decided to become a nanny that controls what I can or cannot do, on my own machine. Come one, please Do developers listen to users any moreIf they do, someone let em know, they need to bring user choice back at least allow experienced users the capability to override 3. D blocklist because otherwise, I will use Chrome or whatever browser allows me to use the 3. D. Chrome with 3. D is around 3. 0x faster than Firefox without 3. D even on modern hardware, Chrome bested Firefox in HTML5 as well as being up to 2x faster than 3. D even WITH 3. D enabled. Why would I want a slow browser Someone needs to tell them how to create a small, fast, unbloated browser that actually can be used doesnt try to be a nanny that tells users what they can or cannot do on their own machine. I tried to like Firefox, I really did. But it just gets slower with each release, there is nothing you can do to get around their blocklist I tried. Bye bye, Firefox My new favorite browser.