PANASONIC WV SW5. INSTALLATION MANUAL Pdf Download. Installation Guide Included Installation Instructions Network Camera WV SW5. Model No. Before attempting to connect or operate this product, please read these instructions carefully and save this manual for future use. The model number is abbreviated in some descriptions in this manual. See www. dtsc. ca. For U. S. and Canada UL Listed model For U. S. A WV SW5. 98 The model number and serial number of this product For Europe and other countries may be found on the surface of the unit. WV SW5. 98. Contents Important safety instructions. Limitation of liability. Disclaimer of warranty. Preface. Main functions. About the user manuals. System requirements for a PC. Trademarks and registered trademarks. Copyright. Important safety instructions 1 Read these instructions. Windows 7 Build 7600 Final Activator X. Keep these instructions. Heed all warnings. Follow all instructions. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus including amplifiers that produce heat. Only use attachmentsaccessories specified by the manufacturer. THE CORRESPONDING PRODUCT S. Disclaimer of warranty IN NO EVENT SHALL Panasonic System Networks Co., Ltd. BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY OR ANY PERSON, EXCEPT FOR REPLACEMENT OR REASONABLE MAINTENANCE OF THE PRODUCT, FOR THE CASES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO BELOW 1 ANY DAMAGE AND LOSS, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY, ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE PRODUCT. The accuracy with the auto tracking function depends on the installation location. Make sure that the installation location is appropriate in advance. About the user manuals There are 2 sets of operating instructions for the WV SW5. InstallationGuideExplainshowtoinstallandconnectdevices,aswellashowtoconnectandconfigurethenetwork. OperatingInstructionsincludedintheCD ROMExplainshowtoperformthesettingsandhowtooperatethiscamera. Internet Explorer versions. IfusingMicrosoftWindowsXP,screentearingmayoccurwhentheshootingscenedrasticallychangesforexample, while shooting fast moving subjects or while controlling panningtilting due to the GDI restrictions of the OS. A phenomenon in which portions of the screen are displayed out of alignment Forinformationontheoperationverificationofthesupportedoperatingsystemsandwebbrowsers,refertoourweb site at http security. Trademarks and registered trademarks Microsoft,Windows,WindowsVista,InternetExplorer,andDirect. Xareeitherregisteredtrademarksortrademarksof Microsoft Corporation in the United States andor other countries. MicrosoftproductscreenshotsreprintedwithpermissionfromMicrosoftCorporation. IntelandIntelCorearetrademarksofIntelCorporationintheU. S. andothercountries. Adobe,AcrobatReader,andReaderareeitherregisteredtrademarksortrademarksofAdobeSystemsIncorporatedin the United States andor other countries. SDXCLogoisatrademarkofSD 3. C,LLC. i. Pad,i. The latest PC gaming hardware news, plus expert, trustworthy and unbiased buying guides. If you received an email with a License Authorization Code, please click here. If you received an email with a ZIP file attached to it, please click here. The podcast craze of the past several years shows no signs of slowing down, and while every armchair broadcaster with a voice recorder app is eager to get in the game. Phone,andi. PodtoucharetrademarksofAppleInc. U. S. andothercountries. Adobe Acrobat Pro License Key Location Bracket' title='Adobe Acrobat Pro License Key Location Bracket' />AndroidisatrademarkofGoogleInc. Allothertrademarksidentifiedhereinarethepropertyoftheirrespectiveowners. Copyright Distributing, copying, disassembling, reverse compiling and reverse engineering of the software provided with this product are all expressly prohibited. Precautions Refer installation work to the dealer. The exclusively designed mount bracket shall be Installation work requires technique and experience. Failure to observe this may cause a drop resulting in injury Failure to observe this may cause fire, electric shock, injury, or damage to the product. SKK system Copyright C 20002005 the The Electronic Dictionary Research and. At PC International, we believe in supplying only the best quality products and giving the customer the best service possible. Our wide and varied range of. Do not damage the power cable. Product disposaltransfer Do not damage, fabricate, twist, stretch, bundle, or forci Data saved on this product or a storage device used with bly bend the power cable. Do not place heavy objects on this product may lead to personal information leakage. Periodically images on the screen appear to be dis AVC Patent Portfolio License torted THIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED UNDER THE AVC PATENT When the camera is installed in a location where it is sub PORTFOLIO LICENSE FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF A ject to small vibrations for example, when it is installed CONSUMER OR OTHER USES IN WHICH IT DOES NOT near devices that vibrate, images may appear distorted. Position refresh During the use for a long period of time, the preset posi tions may become inaccurate. When Position refresh is set for the created schedule, the camera position will be corrected periodically. Refer to the Operating Instructions on the provided CD ROM for how to perform the settings. Precautions for installation Panasonic assumes no responsibility for injuries or Do not place this product in the following places property damage resulting from failures arising out Locationswhereachemicalagentisusedsuchasa of improper installation or operation inconsistent swimming pool with this documentation. Locationssubjecttomoistureoroilsmokesuchasa. Take notice of humidity. Po. E Power over Ethernet Plus Install this product when the humidity is low. If this product Use a Po. E hubdevice that is compliant with IEEE8. It is impossible to supply the power to this product from a cover may become foggy. Major operating controls lt Main body Power cable Brown To the power supply 2. V AC, 5. 0 Hz6. 0 Hz Blue Green External IO cable Microphone input cable connector white Audio output cable connector black Network cable with cable coupler Output cable for the monitor used for adjustment Safety wire Attachment pipe Housing base insidelt Rear view of the main body with the main sunshield rear cover detached Main nameplate Water resistant cap Link indicator Access indicator INITIAL SET switch OFF ON Live indicator SD memory card slot. Initialize the camera Use the INITIAL SET switch to reset the settings of the camera to the default. IMPORTANT Thesettingsincludingthenetworksettingswillbeinitialized. NotethatthepresetpositionsettingsandtheCRTkey SSL encryption key used for the HTTPS protocol will not be initialized. Step 1 Step 5 Pull out the water resistant cap by following steps 1 3 of Move the INITIAL SET switch to the left OFF. Insertremove an SD memory card How to insert an SD memory card IMPORTANT WheninsertinganSDmemorycard,makesurethedirection. Step 1 Step 3 Pull out the main sunshield rear cover on the rear of the Turn the water resistant cap to the OPEN side, and pull camera by pressing the tab on the top of the sunshield. Step 5 Step 7 Align g of the water resistant cap to OPEN h of the First, insert the tab on the bottom of the main sunshield camera. Then, turn the water resistant cap toward h rear cover into the main body, and then push the tab on LOCK. InstallationsConnections Caution F ORULLISTEDMODELS,ONLYCONNECT2. VACCLASS2POWERSUPPLYUL1. CSA2. 23orLIMITED POWER SOURCE IECENULCSA 6. Before installation, prepare the following When mounting this camera to a ceiling, mount it using a custom made ceiling mount bracket and the attachment pipe accessory. Refer to page 2. 2 for the specifications of the custom made ceiling mount bracket. Users Guide High. Tech. Forms Support. Entering Your Data. The Date Its very important that you conform to the data entry requirements specified by the RRC. Adobe Acrobat Pro License Key Location Bracket' title='Adobe Acrobat Pro License Key Location Bracket' />Your date should be entered with a two digit month and four digit year see sample screenshot below. The date goes into the cells just above the Production MonthYear label. Enter the appropriate information in each cell, using the arrow keys to navigate the form. When entering lease names, insert a lt TAB prior to the name by using lt CTRLTAB. You must use the lt CTRL key to insert a lt TAB or you will simply move the cursor to the next cell. See diagram at bottom of this page. For the first column of each row, you can either put the field name by itself, the lease name by itself, or both the field and lease names together. If you put them together, you will need to type the field name, press lt ENTER, press lt CtrlTAB, then type the lease name see sample below. NEW FOR FEB 2. 00. The RRC has made a change to the EDI report form. In order to accommodate this change with minimum fuss, you will need to make sure you indicate Gas Well numbers on your form with a particular format. For Gas Wells, you MUST indicate the Gas Well number in the Lease Name by using a pound sign. For instance, Barnaby 3. See larger sample Form PR including headerColumn 1 Formatting In Column 1 you are allowed 3. Please DO NOT type in ALL CAPS. If you run out of space while entering your data, you will have to abbreviate. Entering No Value Items The RRC no longer wants zeroes entered for zero value items. If an item has a value of zero, leave the item blank. Leases Cannot Span Two Pages Any lease data you enter on your form must be limited to one page. If you find that the information for a lease will require more rows than you have remaining in a table, you must move the entire lease data to the next page. Dispositions Go on Separate Rows Put your disposition values on separate rows. For instance, an item of disposition code 1 and an item with disposition code 2 must be on two separate rows that is, not in the same box on the form. Alphabetizing Your Data. Your High. Tech. Forms form can alphabetize your data for you. Make sure you first have all your data entered, including all disposition codes code 8, etc. Select High. Tech. Forms Alphabetize and your data will be sorted to RRC specifications. You might end up with a blank page or two afterwards, since the alphabetizing will compress your data efficiently. If so, see Deleting Empty Tables below. When the form alphabetizes, it will display the field name for a particular set of leases only once. That is, in the first row of leases for Rutherford Jones, it will show the Rutherford Jones field name. In subsequent rows of leases for the Rutherford Jones field, it will not display Rutherford Jones again, but only the lease names. This is the format expected by the RRC. Add A Page. If you need additional pages for your data, click the High. Tech. Forms menu and select Add A Page. A new blank page will be added to the end of your document. Inserting New Data. You can insert new data at the bottom of your report and then let Alphabetize place it where it belongs. Be sure when inserting new data that you include the field name, lease name, and RRC Identifier. DO NOT manually add rows to any tables in the document. This will throw off the spacing of the document and data and the RRC will REJECT the form. Deleting Empty PagesTables. Position the text cursor somewhere inside the table you want removed. Click High. Tech. Forms Delete Table. Auto. Calc. Auto. Calc now calculates the End of Month value using whatever values are supplied. Items left blank are considered to equal zero. If you only enter the Beginning of Month and End of Month values, and they are not equal, you will get a warning. If you fill in three of the four values Beginning of Month, Production, Disposition, End of Month, the item you leave blank will be calculated for you. Fonts. Do not change the fonts on your Form PR. They have been specified by the RRC. Transferring Numbers. The End of month column provides the values for the next months Beginning of month column. When you are ready to start next months form, open the prior months form, then select Transfer Values from the Forms menu, and all the end of month values will be transferred to the Beginning of Month column. Save this new file with a new filename. Filing Via EDIIf you elect to file via EDI, remember to get your new account number from the RRC. You must complete a S. A. D. form on their website. Once you receive your new account number from the RRC you may begin filing electronically. The High. Tech. Forms software is already programmed to generate a valid EDI file. To do so, follow the steps below Open the PR form from which you want to create the EDI file. Click the High. Tech. Forms menu, then click Create EDI File see rightAt the bottom of the screen in the Word application status bar, youll see the path to the EDI file see below where the file name is formprtester. Send the EDI file to the RRC contact the RRC for submission requirements, methods, and information.